Sponsor Child ilam

Sponsor Child ilam for a Month


Sponsor Child ilam for a Year


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We have Islamic school (madrasa) where orphans and very poor children learn ilam (Islamic Scholar), you can sponsor students or give them scholarship to pay for all expenses through out doing ilam.


Dear Brothers and Sisters this is a pure sadaq e jaria as long students you sponsored do the right deeds or will be teaching ilam in future to others you will get reward for it till the day of judgement.
Our complete ilam ends within 8 years you can sponsor a student for a month, year or complete ilam.
If you sponsor child ilam we will share students details that you will support or can provide other proofs to make sure that your donation will be used for the same mentioned purpose.
Learn from our Online Teachers

We have great Alims and very talented male and female teachers who will teach you or your kids, Quran Majeed Nazira, Hifaz, Tajveed, also Arabic Language, Muslim Shareef, Bukhari Shareef, or Learning any other Islamic Books.

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