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Appeal for the Family of Mr. Zahid

We have started this campaign for a disabled boy Mr. Zahid, who was born disabled, he couldnt walk or move his body parts. At the beginning he was in a better condition but as time passed by due to financial issues his family could not provide him proper food and medicine so unfortunately he passed away.

Currently Mr. Zahid family is in very bad condition, his mom brothers and sisters need financiall support. His widoow sister has four orphan kids, so its also very hard for her to provide food or educate her kids. Therefore we appeal everyone to donate and support this family.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to help and support the family of Mr. Zahid, his mother, grand mother and sisters, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so all 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for Zahid Family

    €1,321.00 donated of €1,499.00 goal
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Appeal of Zakat for the Poors in Afghanistan

Islam has made 2.5% zakat compulsarry on muslims in order to help those who can’t support themselves specially orphans and widow’s. Zakat reminds us that our wealth is given to us by Allah, and is purified for Him, ensuring that we fulfil the responsibilities of our privilege. It ensures that a small part of any wealth beyond our essential needs is shared with those who are struggling to survive.

It’s a beautiful pillar of Islam that has the power to spread mercy to those who receive, but also to those who give. If you have zakat to pay we will give it to the right people in Afghanistan, who despartly needs your zakat to survive. We will give your zakat to orphans, widows, disabled and most needy people in Afghanistan.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your zakat to the right people who deserves it the most, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your zakat amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate Your Zakat

    €205.00 donated of €999.00 goal
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Appeal for the Disableds in Afghanistan

More then 20% Adult and 17% Children in Afghanistan have some sort of disability. The current humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has caused big problems to people with disabilities who are most vulnerable especial children with disabilities.

With your donations we will be able to provide the basic food and medicine which is necessary for the disabled people in Afghanistan, therefore please donate as much as you can and show your love to the vulnerable people.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donation to disabled people, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for the Disabled

    €108.00 donated of €999.00 goal
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Appeal of food packages for widows families in Afghanistan

We have started this campaign to help widow’s in Afghanistan. As there are more then 500,000 widow’s in Afghanistan. More then 70,000 are the main bread winners for their kids.

We need your donations to provide them basic food, you can donate as much as you want but your €80 donation will be sufficient to support one widow family for a month, the package will contain 50 kg flour, 50 kg rice, 10 kg cooking oil, 7 kg sugar, 7 kg beans, 1 kg black tea, and 1 kg green tea.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donation to widows families, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for the Widows

    €1,189.00 donated of €1,999.00 goal
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Appeal for the Orphans in Afghanistan

Join us to help Orphans in Afghanistan currently there are around 2 million orphans in Afghanistan and thousands of them lives in the streets. They are unable to meet their basic needs like eating food, living in a house or going to schools.

Many of these orphans sell plastic bags in markets or some other stuff to earn some food for the day and their earning of the day is less then two dollors so please donate generously to support such orphan kids who really need our help and support.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donation to orphans, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for the Orphans

    €103.00 donated of €999.00 goal
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Appeal for the Blind Kids in Afghanistan

Help us in this campaign for those kids and people who have blindness disability. There are more then 400,000 people in Afghanistan with blindness disability and more then 1.5 million have some sort of visual impairment.

We know many children in Afghanistan with blindness disability some are born blind while others lost thier sight during the war. With your donations we will be able to help them overcome thier day to day challenges.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donation to the blinds, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for Blinds

    €67.00 donated of €499.00 goal
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Appeal for the family of Rahib in Afghanistan

Join us in this campaign to help with the family of Rahiba, she is 10 years old orphan girl and has a disability of deafness, her dad passed away few years ago in a car accident and he was the only one who supported them financially. After her dad passed away their financial condition got worse and they cant get the basic food to eat.

Rahiba lives with her widow mom, one small brother and two Other sisters. She also wants to study but she needs financial support for that, therefore we request everyone to help Rahiba and her family in these hard days, your little donation can change their life.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donations to the family of Rahiba, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for Rahiba Family

    €150.00 donated of €499.00 goal
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Appeal for the support of school girls in Afghanistan

Help us to support Umme Habibia School/Madrasa girls which is made only for the education of girls. Most of the girls studying are orphans and extremely poor, they cant pay their fees and cost for accomodation and daily food expense.

Currently there are more then 600 girls studying, therefore we request everyone to take part in this good cause as all your donations will be counted as Sadqa e Jaria, which means that you will get continuous rewarded Inshallah.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donations to the school girls, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for School Girls

    €15.00 donated of €999.00 goal
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Appeal for Digging Clean Water Wells in Afghanistan

We are starting this campaign to provide clean drinking water to those who desperately need clean water to drink. In Afghanistan 95% of the population is drinking water from digging the water pumps. There are villages where people walk for miles to bring drinking water for their families, so it is a very big issue in Afghanistan.

Therefor we request every one to donate for this good cause as it will bring smile on the face of those who are in need of clean water and will make their life easy. Also providing clean water is Sadaqa e Jaria which have a continues reward for the donors, as long people will get benefit from the water pump you will receive rewards.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your donations for providing clean water, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation amount will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

  1. Donate for Clean Water

    €567.00 donated of €999.00 goal
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Appeal for Donating Gifts in Afghanistan

We request everyone to give gifts to orphans, widows, disableds and to the poors in Afghanistan, as gift givng is the sunnah of prophet (saw) and its away of showing love and acheiving the pleasure of Allah for which you will get rewarded. We have list of gifts which can be given.

We promise that our aim of this campaign is only to reach your gifts to the right people, we dont have any admin charges, salaries or hidden fees so 100% of your donation will be used for the cause and we will provide pictures/videos as a proof, upon the request of the donor.

Learn from our Online Teachers

We have great Alims and very talented male and female teachers who will teach you or your kids, Quran Majeed Nazira, Hifaz, Tajveed, also Arabic Language, Muslim Shareef, Bukhari Shareef, or Learning any other Islamic Books.

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